Saturday, July 28, 2007


I don't think a westerner really can comprehend the level of poverty many people here endure.

There do not seem to be the governmental and social structures in place (i.e., Welfare programs, soup kitchens...).

It's hard to take pictures like these unbeknownst to the subjects, for example, the man in these photos with the children saw me take them from a rooftop.

Poverty like this can exist right next to upscale apartment buildings and private homes. We do a better job of corralling it in America.


Yeou-Cheng said...

Indeed... there are many areas in Asia where people live in makeshift housing, under cardboard boxes, etc. When my son first saw these houses, he commented: "oh, these people are living like this because their house burned down". His 4 year old mind had to find an explanation for what he thought was deplorable conditions!

Pat Hewitt said...

I think it is even more dire in the rural areas. At least there are some opportunities to make a little money in the city, mostly through "recycling." Makes one count his/her blessings. I know we have poverty in the US but we manage to put it in certain areas of the cities so we don't have to look at it. It will be interesting to see how the increased prosperity impacts the poor.